December 23, 2015

Selfie Workout!

New year's resolutions are soo last year news!

A new year is starting soon, and so does the new year's resolutions. We all know new year's resolutions are a creative way to try to change little things about ourselves, specially on a new starting period, but why wait for the new year, if you can start from now!

For the last couple of years, I decided to stop trying to do new year's resolutions, for the fact that when it comes to making changes in your life, doesn't really need to have a starting point time or period, if you really want to change your life, you can start any day, any time. Before the year ends, I have decided to start living the healthy life I want. I'm not gonna try to change my diet or my life to the extreme, but trying to keep things smooth and an easy roll.

Recently, I purchased an apple watch, and since, I've been using it's activity app and I was amazed to learn about my daily activity count. I was very impressed on how active I am just on a single day of work. Even thought it was more than what I expected, my daily routine needs to be adjusted and become a bit more active to not only look good, but feel good. 

 If you're like, you know I can't live without taking pictures of anything, specially when I'm surrounded by such nature beauty. To keep my mind clear of thoughts, I like to stair at the beautiful trees and breath the nice fresh air, and also take selfies because let's be honest, light was a fleek. That's all for today, wish everyone luck on any positive life changes you would like to proceed and I'll see you in our next post. 

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